Membership Information
The Pennsylvania Allergy and Asthma Association (PAAA) is a professional organization of nearly 500 physician allergists, non-allergist physicians, allergy/immunology physicians-in-training, and people of good character who evince an interest in allergy.
Those interested in PAAA membership can apply at the following levels of membership:
Active: A physician allergist (MD or DO) who has successfully completed two years of fellowship in allergy and immunology.
Associate: A non-allergist physician (MD or DO).
Training: A physician (MD or DO) enrolled in a fellowship program in allergy and immunology, including residents and medical students.
Corresponding: Any person of good character who evinces an interest in allergy.
PAAA sets you up for advocacy, education, and preparation for your future.
Patient Advocates - PAAA has a strong voice in Harrisburg, collaborating with PAMED, and works with the AAAAI and the College on federal Federation of Regional, State, and Local Allergy, Asthma & Immunologic Societies (RSLAAIS), PAAA communicates issues to and from our national organizations who have representatives that monitor federal issues and speak with legislators in Washington on behalf of allergists.
World Class Education – Each year, PAAA presents an Annual Scientific Meeting that combines engaging lectures from notable clinicians and allergists, networking opportunities, and a state-of-the-art products and services exhibit hall with family-friendly events that give you the chance to unwind and enjoy the summertime charm of the Hotel Hershey and the attractions of Hershey Park.
Preparing Future Allergists – PAAA, in conjunction with our Pennsylvania Allergy Education Research Fund (PAERF) Committee, provides several initiatives to foster the legacy of this organization and to help lead future allergists to successful careers in our field.
​These include:
Mentoring Program that partners fellows in training with current practicing allergists
Poster competition that provides fellows, residents, and medical students with an invaluable opportunity to present their work in a scientific forum that includes a friendly, familiar audience.
Travel reimbursements to each training program in Pennsylvania, underwriting one or more fellows to attend the annual scientific meeting. The nominated fellow(s) is expected to participate in the poster competition.
PAERF Research Grant program provides funding, on a competitive basis, to FIT researchers.
​Questions? Call the PAAA administrative office at 833-770-1543.
Attention Early Career Physicians! Invest in your future and your career! Get involved in PAAA activities from the start! Early Career Physician members enjoy opportunities for leadership development, networking with advanced physician members and peers from across the commonwealth, discounted registration and discounted hotel rooms for the PAAA Annual Meeting, and research funding opportunities. If you haven’t already, join PAAA today!
We have moved! Your member portal will look a little different when you log in now.
To log in for the first time, select “Forgot your password?” and enter your email address. You will be emailed a password reset request that will allow you to log into your new member portal.
Once you are logged in, take a look around! You will be able to update your information as needed, add a profile picture, and a biography if you so choose.
Please reach out to or call us at (833) 770-1543 if you have any questions.
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